The Lenten Rose Fairy: everybody’s favourite designated driver

Lenten Rose Fairy - watercolour - by Nancy Farmer
Lenten Rose Fairy – watercolour – by Nancy Farmer

Poor poor fairy of the Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis). She gets to put on her glad rags right through lent, but, as botanical representative of the season of abstinence, she never gets to have any fun, and by the time lent is done, she’s had her time for another year. Her flowers are really quite something special, but no wonder they hang their heads.

So, next time you’re failing in a resolution to give up chocolate / alcohol / cake / Facebook / shaving / being a dick or whatever else your resolution is, just remember that you can go out and party when it’s all over, and spare a thought for the little Lenten rose. Stop and admire her, sit down, peer into the little hanging flowers and have a glass of water with her.

Lenten Rose Fairy - close-up.
Lenten Rose Fairy – close-up.

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